Don't Take Pictures

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Weekend Reading: Amy Friend

Dare Alla Luce
Photographs by Amy Friend. Introduction by Kristen Rian.
Critical Mass, 2014. 64pp., 44 illustrations. 8.5 x 11 in. 

Publisher’s Description

'In my use of the photographic medium, I am not specifically concerned with capturing a 'concrete' reality. Instead, I aim to use photography as a medium that offers the possibility of exploring the relationship between what is visible and non-visible.

By employing the tools of photography, I re-use light by allowing it to shine through the holes in the images. In a somewhat playful and yet literal manner, I return the subject of the photographs back to the light, while simultaneously bringing them forward. The images are permanently altered, they are lost and re-born—hence the title, Dare Alla Luce, an Italian term meaning 'to bring to the light,' in reference to birth. The photographs present new meanings, despite the mysteries they harbor.'  — Amy Friend

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