In Motion: Jennifer Steensma Hoag

This series showcases those who have expanded their artistic palate, moving from still to motion, or motion to still.

In the early days of photography, it was not uncommon for parents to have a portrait made of their recently deceased children. Not viewed as morbid or grotesque, this post-mortem photograph made the child appear is if they were in a peaceful slumber. Often, these types of photographs would be the only image of the child. Jennifer Steensma Hoag’s video piece “Separation” is a loop of a young child breathing slowly in her sleep. Presented in a traditional tintype frame, Hoag references the memento mori tradition while alluding to our contemporary society’s fear of death and desire to make copious images of our children.

View more of Hoag's work on her vimeeo page.

Do you make moving images or know of someone who does? Let us know at